Feminism: an Assamese point of view


                Feminism: an Assamese point of view

  I am a feminist. There is no disagreement on this. But many people don't understand what feminism means. Feminism and male hatred are two different things, just like that feminism and special privilege are not the same. Besides radical feminism, mainstream feminism speaks about gender equality. Gender and sex are not the same. Now it is understood that it is contradictory with the idea of special privilege with this gender equality.

From our movies to society the whole system has created a stereotype that women are weak and that's why men should take responsibility of the whole world. The more masculinity exploits women, the more they exploit men. Because to keep the male system alive, men should hold a fake image. Guess I married someone. His educational qualification is the same as mine. Even after this, the responsibility of the house will be on my shoulders as a victim of the male stereotype. Isn't the Sexual division of labour made the so-called marriage purified?

One day told someone that I'm a feminist that's why I want to lose 50 % of my burden in the future. The concept of equality and rights comes only through responsibility or responsibility. If you are not ready to walk equally, then don't cry.


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