The Eighth (8th) Wonder of the World

Seems lil' bit confusing, nay? Yes, the concept itself was bewilder for me at first. It has taken not a second to wander the wonder that is still silent. Getting bored? Let, me introduce you to the 8th wonder that is silent. It is an abstract form of wonder, Yoga. 

Yes, the Seven wonders ( the Great Wall of China, Chichén Itzá of Mexico, The ancient city of Petra, Jordan, Machu Picchu of Peru, Christ the Redeemer of Rio de Janeiro, Colosseum of Rome and Taj Mahal of Agra, India) we know are really mesmerizing to watch and observe. Meanwhile, the Yogik culture of India, I would prefer, should be felt in the top of all these wonders. 

Don't get it on a wrong way. Yoga is not about religion. The most flexible and healthy form of observation, I think is yoga. It works silently in our minds, and relates to our body. It really energizes the thinking capability of ours'. 

WHY, am I talking about Yoga? 

I think Yoga is a Humane Religion, that never compares, or equates with any form of socio-cultural elements such as; ethnicity, race, food habits, etc. It just provides calmness in the happiest moments, and hope in melancholy. It does not let your mind to drive you. Yoga serves the best to the mind and body. 

Now, let come to the point, I have been talking about Yoga relentlessly because of its significance. We Indians, never think something is good of our country unless any foreigner talks about that. The same accounts for me. 

I hope most of us (Young Generations) have watched interviews of many CEOs of MNCs and many other from different fields, and we also find many of them talking about going to India and resting in Bodhgaya (Bihar) or Ratnagiri (Odisha) and many other places (for what our country is exceptionally rich). The thought of ignorance about the century years old ascetic places came to my mind while reading an Israeli writer (Yuval Noah Harari)in his book "21 Lessons for the 21st Century". 

As possibilist theorists of environment says, "man should be the measure of all things" which is negatively influencing the industrialists to exploit the world environment, in the same way we (Indians) are exploiting our heritage by not giving enough emphasis and leaving the testing kit to the western world for measuring our richness of culture.   
It is worth to mention here that, even after criticizing the religions of the world the writer is experiencing and living yogic culture in India. It is a punch to those who often try to argue Yoga as Hindutva agenda. In this post truth era no liberal is liberal at least in practice. Because our social construction decides what we are going to do and it is an inalienable fact we have to live with.

Harari criticized every religion, long stood stories, and ideologies, but he adhered to Yoga. He clearly mentioned that the world does not make any sense to him, however he found something different in Yoga. In the book he put forwarded about the posture of the yoga " Vipassana" that he practiced and the result was the world acclaimed book "The Sapiens". However, solely Yoga did not play the role in writing the book, but it was the core of his concentration while writing it. 

It is still unknown how much time it takes to realize our worth of Yoga (which is with us) to the Indians, or we just focus on the "Kohinoor Heera" (which had been looted and not with us). Thus, this Yogik Culture is transparent Wonder of Ours' which could not be confiscated but experienced even after those 7 (Seven)Wonders fades away.




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